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Long since ceased to exist even if there are remnants, they are still extremely weak do you think you can provide me with enough research funds and venues huo yuhao could feel the.

Also get in touch with our most important core research, I dare say that our mingdetang s research on soul tools is at least decades stronger than other countries huo yuhao smiled calmly.

The cultivation base of a soul king, he has reached the physical fitness of a soul emperor he ranked first in all three tests what about huo yuhao jing hongchen asked lin jiayi said it s.

Material is unknown to everyone in shrek academy the strike area is one square meter in size the evaluation is also carried out based on the level of soul power it is also the sun moon.

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Evolution of soul guides, we humans will also evolve accordingly believe it or not, one day, even humans without a trace of soul power can use soul guides to hunt down 100,000 year old.

Very accurate he could clearly feel that this teacher xuan was definitely not sent by the sun moon royal soul engineering academy to suppress or harm him his enthusiasm for soul tools.

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Communicated with me yesterday, and their sincerity is higher than I imagined you just study, don t worry about other things at least until the end of these two and a half years of study.

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Test am I still afraid I am willing to accept your test huo yuhao calmed down a little, and gave xuan ziwen the answer xuan ziwen s calm and indifferent eyes finally showed a different.

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This refers to the area of shrek academy including sea god island on the map is very simple the sun moon royal soul engineering academy is mainly divided into three major areas, the.

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Obtain my research results, the only way to do so is to join my sect because my research results are combined with our sect s unique research and do not belong to me xuan ziwen was.

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Of recording obviously became a little louder physical strength, level 70, physical toughness, level 64, soul power, level 51 at this point, the teacher in charge of recording couldn t.

To only train monsters, not ordinary people thank you for your compliment ye xiaosheng stared dumbfoundedly at huo yuhao who walked back to he caitou s side calmly, and couldn t help but.

Xuan ziwen could think more, huo yuhao had already come to the experimental table, his demeanor also changed, and xuan ziwen could vaguely feel his calmness and concentration and a silver.