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Remembered that mysterious space yuhao, are you here thinking of the possibility that huo yuhao was nearby, juzi s heart couldn t help but burn a little, and the previous anger also.

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Work was done, and the fresh fish were cleaned by him huo yuhao has long been familiar with such things as grilling fish after setting up the dry firewood, after a while, the smell of.

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Produced during our martial soul fusion cultivation has already surpassed the limitations of this world tang wutong shook his head and said, no way if it was before, maybe I would have.

Will face each other your safety will have a great impact, so you should think about it tangerine frowned, that s a problem however, as long as you don t get too close to me, you should.

Supplies, and ordered the army to rest in place and wait for orders she herself is on the road with the fire phoenix soul engineer group, the disabled xiejun soul engineer group, the.

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Although she looked calm on the surface, huo yuhao could clearly catch the smile deep in her eyes this is the first time huo yuhao has endured this kind of crime it s not just juzi who is.

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You, I really see hope huo yuhao shook his head, and said, no, this junior is not the only one wutong has also succeeded he did not hide anything, nor did he deceive long xiaoyao just.

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