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The enemy is however, on the letter paper, juzi saw an extremely familiar name, huo yuhao among the news from mingdu, the only thing that can be confirmed is this name yuhao, is that.

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Surrounding environment and became a part of those plants if you didn t look with your eyes, you would not be able to detect their aura at all when tang wutong opened his eyes again.

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Majesty, please respect yourself as a priest ye xishui turned to look at xu tianran, your majesty, this is what you meant xu tianran coughed, princess, please be calm I know you are for.

With one hand the other hand is holding the blue silver emperor and flying with it, in order to give the blue silver emperor more confidence huo yuhao increased his speed, and flew.

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First time when you get there, you will naturally understand hurry up, don t worry another half an hour later, huo yuhao took tang wutong s hand and then fell towards the ground at this.

Continues to sublimate in this feeling if it were someone else, it would be very difficult for huo yuhao to do this after all, he could mentally share what he saw and felt, but he could.

Rear normally, if the rear is unstable, then there will be problems with supplies they now occupy a large area of the sky soul empire although they are not afraid of the supply being cut.

At this moment the expression on his face also became serious xian lin er said old xuan, is it possible for us to rely on the power of the star dou great forest after all, we have been.

Know any news from here we just heard about the heavenly soul empire elder xuan nodded, that s no wonder it s no big deal for you to attack those ordinary cities, and the sun moon empire.

But they are all biased I think that judging from the current situation, being too radical or too conservative is not the best way to deal with it oh xu tianran looked at the minister of.

The entire valley will be invisible under his inspection at this moment, all of a sudden, the originally calm blue silver grass on the ground trembled slightly, and then, the blades of.

Arrange in the original formation, and wait for orders zhongliwu who was sitting next to him was a little surprised when he heard juzi s words in fact, after the army was stationed here.

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