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Manifestation of this supernatural power, but it has not yet reached the inconceivable state in the rumors after trying to understand the specific reason in his heart, han li s expression.

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Exercises, and finally the auction items the first item in this auction is three bottles of huanxin pill that can promote the cultivation of evolutionary monks the starting price is.

Coldly, and his tone suddenly became serious senior, I okay, let s do it like this I hope fellow daoist han can remember what he said when the woman surnamed xu heard this, she was taken.

At the emerald green branch, then subconsciously paused, hesitated for a moment, turned and walked over what is the origin of this thing, fellow daoist, can you tell me a thing or two han.

Opened his eyes again, the blue light flickered in his hands, and began to slowly inject a bit of spiritual power into the branches but when fang injected a little, the branches trembled.

Yuan still cannot stop some interested people from bidding but after only two rounds, a cold voice suddenly came forty million this price made everyone dumbfounded and the bidder was the.

Their level of cultivation, they can use secret techniques to enhance the power of their own magic weapons, but it is by no means an easy task to increase the power of other people s.

Eye when the owner of the lazy voice really called out a sky high price of 30 million, the voices of the female nun and the old man stopped abruptly it seems that this price has exceeded.

To fellow daoist fellow daoist put them away carefully after a strange light flashed in the eyes of the white robed old man, he took out the brocade box again and handed it to han li with.

Necessary the dwarf opened his mouth knowingly and spit out a mouthful of green throwing knife, hovering in front of him, with a sinister smile on his face this throwing knife was.

Elements of your own mana, and its power is unfathomable the cultivation conditions of this set of exercises are quite strict cultivation, the person who cultivates must also possess the.

Moment, and then rushed forward to salute han li as if he was being pardoned when the female cultivator surnamed xu saw han li, she also showed a look of surprise on her beautiful face as.

Turned to ask fairy xu senior han does have some relationship with the concubine s ancestor, but this is the first time I ve heard of this kind of cold flame that day it devoured the.

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Competed with han li for the spiritual land spoke, but the one who confronted him was the fat man who had appeared in the yuque pavilion together it s just that the two of them seemed to.

Needs to be carefully verified the woman stared at it for a moment before slowly saying the old man is not very good at appraising spirit grass and other things there are fellow daoists.

Many monks present who experienced this kind of treasure auction for the first is walking 10k steps a day good for weight loss time changed drastically, and they completely lost their desire to compete in a blink of an eye although han.

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That was straight last time suddenly became abnormally distorted, and two paths branched out from the middle, leading to the dark sides respectively it seems that the taixuan palace i.

Careful consideration, he finally did not bid with a gloomy expression han li s refusal to bid does not mean that other people will give up the item as a result, after a moment of.

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Body and disappeared afterwards, han li used his own magic power to condense the blue spiritual thread and tried it again the result was the same as the devouring skyfire, and it.

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Provide one, this piece of spiritual wood can be taken of course, if dao had top level spirit stones or other things of the same value, the old man would not refuse either how does your.

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Said softly again among all the true spirits in the world, the unicorn s scales are not as hard as the most powerful true spirits like the real dragon although the hardness of the scales.

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This item and intends to is walking 10k steps a day good for weight loss refine lingbao, the old master can refine it for free for this fellow daoist hehe, this is also a little selfishness of the old man the old man in white robe said.

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Just take it out the yaozu woman didn t care, and said frankly when han li heard these words, the corner of his mouth twitched into a chuckle of course, there are some things that are.

Room, his gaze flickered for a moment, he raised one hand, put his five fingers together, a blue light spot fell into it, and disappeared instantly han li s eyes were slightly closed, and.

Then asked suddenly it s not easy your excellency looks at the things on the booth so carefully, and you can see that you are a newcomer to tianyuan city although you are restricted in.

With a smile oh, it s nothing I m also cultivating some lightning power, so I m naturally curious about this thing fellow daoist, I plan to exchange this for something han li played with.

Million now start bidding seventeen million eighteen million twenty million spiritual stones the price of the scales skyrocketed from one to two million at the beginning the expression of.

Witnesses daoist friends are unwilling to keep the promise, so huang will naturally find these witnesses the old man said haha xu xianzi s face paled a little after hearing this, and her.

Crystal sword can t freeze the green wave blade under it this is true, and the fairy will admit it the dwarf said with a smile the woman surnamed xu fell silent with a frosty face so that.

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Me about what is suitable for our monster clan in addition to some of my own things, I have also entrusted items for exchange for many comrades in the clan so friends have good things.

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