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Beaten this transformation of the sky and the earth directly stunned countless people in the stands crazy guy instructor ruo lin, xiao yu and the others also stared blankly at xiao yan.

Stand out in the powerful canaan academy and become a man of the year not long after baishan entered the square, the girl in red also walked in slowly as she entered the arena, many eyes.

Huo on the side stared closely at the blue flame that wrapped xiao yan, and said softly if my prediction is correct, just this one blow will end the match oh hearing this, even hu gan was.

Strength of the team this is not bad looking at the chaotic arena, an old man on the central stand smiled at hu gan beside him I m just tired of watching the previous rounds of battle, so.

Help consume a little of the number of opponents although xiao yan s action won people s hearts, it made the three strongest teams, bai shan, hu jia, and wu hao, a little dissatisfied the.

Others who were walking faster and faster, xiao yan exhaled slowly within the cyclone in his body, the diamond shaped dou jing trembled slightly, and strands of surging blue dou qi flowed.

Headache this wu hao once pursued xun er, and he explained it directly in public, but later xun er refused, but this guy seems to have never given up instructor ruolin jokingly said.

Aware of the existence of falling heart flame I always feel that the inner courtyard has something to do with this, yao lao said slowly inner courtyard xiao yan was startled well, the.

Fixedly at wu hao, who was standing still opposite him, not even daring to blink the students in the surrounding stands saw his behavior does cbd oil interact with anti inflammatory drugs and did not laugh out loud in these years, the.

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Rapidly, and also made a smile appear on her cold cheeks okay, let me do the next thing to be continued with a faint voice, he slowly wandered over the square, and then, under the gaze of.

To the elegant pavilion of mentor ruolin again this time when they returned to the pavilion, they met an acquaintance whom xiao yan remembered deeply in the living room, there is a.

From the ring and stuffed it into his mouth with a cold expression glancing at the purple flame, xiao yan flicked his right hand again, the blue flame rose up, and slowly raised his head.

Slowly dissipated, and the mess and gravel that appeared in sight made the sound of gasping for air conditioning resound from the stands at this time, the solid square that was originally.