Lent and Easter Services 2016

 The words 'Lent at St Michael's' on a blue background

Thursday Mornings in Lent

A Communion chalice on an altar

Each Thursday morning (beginning 11th February) the Eucharist will be celebrated (according to the Book of Common Prayer) in St Catherine’s Chapel at 7:30am. Getting up early (in the dark) may seem like an inconvenience but it is good discipline and an opportunity to be with Jesus, under the form of bread and wine, in a quiet and reflective setting. A light breakfast will be available after the service.

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Ecumenical Lent Lunches

An image of soup and bread with the words "Good Soup, Good company followed by a Good cuppa!"


Thursdays in Lent 12-1:15pm at the Costello Centre, Baliffgate

Good soup & good company followed by a good cuppa!

On February 11, 18 & 25, March 3, 10 & 17 Christians Together in Alnwick will be hosting a series of soup lunches for Lent in the Costello Centre. There is a Lent Reflection at 12 noon, and the lunches themselves are served from 12-1:15pm and cost £3.50 (all proceeds go to charity). Everyone is welcome!

Lent Lunches Poster 2016 (pdf)

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‘Contagious’ Easter Youth Worship

The word 'Contagious' - the logo of the Contagious charity.

17th March, 7.00-8.30pm, St James’ URC

‘Contagious’ is hosting an Easter Youth Worship Event on 17 March, 7.00-8.30 pm at St James’ URC. This event is for School Years 5+ so Middle School age; all young people in this age bracket are most welcome to come along.

There will be Easter-themed games, a Passion Play acted out by the Rock Solid group, Prayer Stations designed by the Mettle group & delicious cakes and drinks at a café-style worship event. The youth worship band will be leading us in our sung praise.

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Palm Cross Making

People seated around a table making palm crosses

Friday 18th March, 2pm, Small Hall

Don’t forget that your help is needed to make Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday – please come and join in at 2.00 pm, Friday 18th March in the Small Hall. Instruction available if needed so all you will need is a small pair of sharp scissors. Please bring some food for a shared afternoon tea afterwards.

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Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday procession 2014

Palm Sunday procession 2014

Sunday, 20th March

9.20am Procession of Palms from the Barbican of Alnwick Castle, followed by Parish Eucharist.

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A blue banner with white text saying 'Holy Week at St Michael's'


06-04-08_St_Michael's_Services (96)

Monday 21st – Wednesday 23rd March

Holy Communion at 7:30pm.

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Maundy Thursday

Clipart image of Jesus washing a disciple's feet

Thursday, 24th March

7:30pm Eucharist of the Last Supper, with Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar, then a Silent Watch until 10pm

divider line Good Friday

An image of a crown of thorns with the text "Good Friday"

Friday, 25th March

2pm The Liturgy of the Day

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Holy Saturday

a photograph of an Easter garden with a closed tomb

The closed tomb at St Michael’s Easter garden

Saturday, 26th March

7:30pm Easter Ceremonies & Renewal of Baptismal Vows

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Easter Day

A photograph of an open tomb in an Easter garden

An open tomb in St Michael’s Easter garden

Sunday, 27th March

8am Holy Communion
9:30am Parish Eucharist
Evensong 6pm

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Celebratory Easter Afternoon Tea

Easter bunnies in cups

Sunday, 27th March, 4pm

There will be a Celebratory Easter Afternoon Tea, at 4.00 pm on Easter Sunday afternoon. . The cost is £7 per person for a scrumptious tea and a chance to meet and greet friends old and new. Please add your name to the sheet at the back of church if you plan to be there.

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