Palm Sunday
Sunday, 14 April
8.00am Holy Communion with Blessing of Palms
9.20am Blessing of Palms & Procession from the Barbican
9.30am Sung Eucharist & Dramatic Reading of the Passion
11.15am Late Morning Worship
6.00pm Sung Evensong & Sermon
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday of Holy Week
Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th & Wednesday 17th April
7.30pm Compline & Devotional Address
Wednesday, 17th April
10.15am Holy Communion
7:30pm Compline
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, 18th April
7.30pm Sung Eucharist of the last Supper, Footwashing & Stripping of the Altar
Good Friday
Friday, 19th April
2.00pm An Hour at the Cross
Messy Church on Holy Saturday
Saturday, 20th April
11am Messy Church
Holy Saturday
Saturday, 20th April
7.30pm Easter Ceremonies & Renewal of Baptismal Vows
Sunday, 21st April
8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Blessing of the Easter Garden & Sung Eucharist
6.00pm Sung Evensong