Holy Week and Easter Services

A purple banner with white text reading "Holy Week"

Palm Sunday

A procession of servers and choristers bearing palmsSunday, 14 April

8.00am Holy Communion with Blessing of Palms
9.20am Blessing of Palms & Procession from the Barbican
9.30am Sung Eucharist & Dramatic Reading of the Passion
11.15am Late Morning Worship
6.00pm Sung Evensong & Sermon

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Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday of Holy Week

A reredos screen with scenes from the birth, death and resurrection of Christ

Reredos in St Catherine’s Chapel

Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th & Wednesday 17th April

7.30pm  Compline & Devotional Address

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Wednesday, 17th April

An image of a Priest distributing Communion to a chorister at St Michael's

10.15am Holy Communion
7:30pm Compline

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Maundy Thursday

An illustration of waves around a chalice, with the words "Maundy Thursday"

Thursday, 18th April

7.30pm Sung Eucharist of the last Supper, Footwashing & Stripping of the Altar

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Good Friday

A stylised illustration of Christ on the cross, with the words "Good Friday"

Friday, 19th April

2.00pm An Hour at the Cross

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Messy Church on Holy Saturday

A red splotch with the words "Messy Church" and, underneath, the text "St Michael's)

Saturday, 20th April

11am Messy Church

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Holy Saturday

Image of an angel with a candle, in front of stained glass in St Michael's Church

Saturday, 20th April

7.30pm  Easter Ceremonies & Renewal of Baptismal Vows

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A purple banner with the words "Easter Sunday"The text "Easter | Easter Sunday" against the backdrop of a sunriseSunday, 21st April

8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Blessing of the Easter Garden & Sung Eucharist
6.00pm Sung Evensong



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