St. Michael’s Vicarage, Alnwick
February 2022
Sunday 9th January 2022 seemed a very long way off when I announced my retirement in early October last year – but it seemed to arrive with great haste!
My last Sunday leading worship as Vicar of Alnwick was, indeed, a memorable one and both Jane and I were overwhelmed with the warmth and appreciation which was expressed by many folks on that day.
As Churchwardens, Pat and Anne spoke movingly about the last ten years pointing out, amongst other things, that in 2012 St Michael’s received a bachelor Vicar but were now saying farewell to a Grandpa!
The generosity of your farewell gift was quite astounding and I know we will put it to good use. Top of the list, at the moment, is a new shed and a small greenhouse.
Much has happened over the decade which we have shared together as it has been my privilege to minister in this place. Through good times and not so good times we have had a great deal of fun and, I am convinced, become a more welcoming, loving, and supportive community as, together, we have tried to ensure that “All are welcome in this place”. Equally, we have attempted to make our ministry more outward-looking not only to the community of Alnwick but also further afield – and for this ‘thanks be to God’.
As the time draws near for Jane and me to leave for pastures new and to learn a new way of being – how to be retired together – we give thanks for all that has been and wish you every blessing for all that lies ahead.
With our love and prayers, Paul & Jane.