Palm Sunday
Sunday, 9th April
8am Holy Communion
9:20am Blessing of Palms & Procession from the Alnwick Castle Barbican
9.30am Parish Eucharist
11.15am Late Morning Worship
6pm Sung Evensong
Monday 10th – Wednesday 12th April
7:30pm each day – Devotional Worship
Maundy Thursday
Thursday, 13th April
7:30pm Eucharist of the Last Supper, with Foot Washing and Stripping of the Altar, followed by a Silent Watch until 10pm
Good Friday
Friday, 14th April
12 noon – Ecumenical service in Alnwick Marketplace
2pm Vigil before the Cross
Easter Eve
Saturday, 15th April
7:30pm Service of Light and Renewal of Baptismal Vows
Easter Day
8am Holy Communion
9.30am Blessing of the Easter Garden and Parish Easter Eucharist
6pm Sung Evensong (BCP, 1662)