Christmas Services 2015

Countdown to Christmas!

Text saying "Contagious"

Thursday 3rd December, St James’ URC, Pottergate

From 7:00-8:30pm, come along to “Countdown to Christmas”, a youth worship event for School Years 5+ and enjoy hot chocolate, cake, talk, worship and more! For more information contact Claire Mead, the Contagious Youth and Schools Worker on or visit the website Contagious Charity.

Contagious Christmas Service Invite

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Alnwick Christmas Market

"Alnwick marketplace - snow - night" by Andy Armstrong - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

Saturday, 5th December from 10am

Christians Together in Alnwick will be singing carols in the marketplace at 12:30pm.
Notice: Due to adverse weather in Alnwick, the Christmas Market will now take place indoors in the Northumberland Hall. Carol singing will be held at 12:15pm in the Hall.

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Mothers’ Union Advent Eucharist

Mothers' Union logo

Wednesday, 9th December, 10:15am at St Michael’s Church

An Advent Eucharist followed by refreshments. Speaker: Mrs Barbara Packer, President-Elect of the Newcastle Diocese Mothers’ Union. Women and men are welcome.

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Scouts’ Carol Service

World Scouts EmblemWednesday, 9th December, 6:30pm

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Mayor’s Carol Service

A Christmas tree made from musical notes

Tuesday, 15th December, 6:30-9pm

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St Michael’s First School Candlelit Carol Service

St Michael's First School Logo

Wednesday, 16th December, 2pm

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 Carols by Candlelight

A photograph of a robed choir singing by candlelight

Sunday, 20th December, 6pm

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 Christmas Eve
Thursday, 24th December

Family Carol Service & Christingle

Photograph of a child's hands holding a Christingle - an orange with a candle and other items stuck in it


Midnight Mass

Candles and holly on a red background with the words "Midnight Mass"


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Christmas Day
Friday, 25th December

A silhouette of the nativity scene with the words "Christmas Day Services at St Michael's Church"

8am Holy Communion
9:30am Parish Communion

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St Stephen’s Day

"Koelner Dom - Bayernfenster 02" by Raimond Spekking - Own work. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

Saturday, 26th December

9:30am Eucharist

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St John’s Day

A traditional icon of St John the Evangelist

Sunday, 27th December

8am Holy Communion
9:30am Parish Eucharist
6pm Evensong

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Holy Innocents

Woodcut depicting the slaughter of the innocents

Monday 28th December

10am Holy Communion

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A star with the word "Epiphany"

Sunday, 3rd January

8am Holy Communion
9:30am First Sunday Eucharist
6pm Evensong

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